Brendan Wong - Arena, a PTC business
Michelle Stone - PTC
Kraig Clark - Arena, a PTC business
Test - Join the Arena Product Marketing team - Kraig, Brendan, Michele, Roy, Par, and Sherry for our Sneak Peek of the Summer ’22 Release. They will share updates to help you get the most benefit from this exciting release.
Your product success has led to growing Arena workspaces to support product and quality processes. This release helps Arena administrators efficiently control and maintain their large Arena workspace and growing list of users.
Arena customers use global product realization processes. They leverage resources around the world to design and manufacture innovative products. This release supports your global organization with more functionality in the Arena Europe platform, better integration capabilities, and more German.
Customers trust Arena as the source for accurate product and quality information to deliver innovative, high-quality products. New Quality functionality includes a Quality Administrator role, Requirements import and export capabilities, and Quality process UI improvements.
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